2. Find a quiet room away from traffic noise or other distraction. Sit quietly on the floor or in a straight-back chair, and close your eyes.
3. Breath normally, but as your exhale and inhale begin gradually directing your awareness toward your breathing. Without trying to control or influence it in any way, become aware of the coming and going of your breath.
4. If you notice your breath getting faster or slower, or even stopping altogether for a moment, just observe this without resistance or encouragement. Allow it to stabilize by itself.
5. If your thoughts distract you or you become unfocused in any way, don't resist. Just allow your attention to come back naturally to your breathing.
6. Continue this meditation for fifteen minutes. Then, still sitting with your eyes closed, allow another few minutes for gradual return to everyday consciousness.
As you gain experience with this technique, you'll find your thoughts becoming progressively quieter during meditation. Ultimately, your mid can settle down completely, enabling you to access the thoroughly tranquil state that precedes everyday thought. This sense of pure relaxation can be extremely important and valuable. Experiencing it on a regular basis will be tremendously beneficial in reducing stress and the fatigue that almost always accompanies it.
Use the breathing Meditation twice a day, in the morning and the evening. Just as you've been doing with the changes in your diet, note the effects of meditation on your Energy Tracking Chart. Meditation is one of the safest and most effective methods for reducing stress and restoring every, and the small amount of discipline it requires is sure to be greatly rewarded.
From the book 'The boundless energy' by Deepak Chopra
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